Saigon Nights
Jim Rohlf flying his Skyraider and his son Jason flying the Spooky. John Fester, Hunter Reiley and Vincent Hill flying their T-28As. Photography by Collin Vaughn

Saigon Nights received rave reviews from everyone involved from flying, instructing, volunteering and support services. Looks like it will become an annual event and may grow even bigger. The turnout of Vietnam War era aircraft was amazing along with the generous camaraderie of sharing flight time in the Cobra and Loesch helicopters.
John Fester, Hunter Reiley and Devyn Reiley received their JLFC FAST cards thanks to Daniel Wotring who flew in from California.
This event was a mix of honoring Vietnam Veterans and conducting a formation clinic with mixed type aircraft, challenging but a complete success. Thanks to Vincent and Megan Hill for hosting it along with Scott Glover of Mid-America Air Museum. Many thanks extended to the following folks, too numerous to mention all, Gary Worthy, Andrew Kiest, Kelly Mahon, John McCullagh, Jim Rohlf and Jason Rohlf of Aviation Heritage Foundation, Jeremy Reiley, Hunter and Devyn Reiley of Texas Aviation Academy, John Fester, Collin Vaughn, Jeremy Hampton, and many more!
John Fester and Vincent Hill. They both own identical looking T-28As - but can you tell them apart? The airplanes not the guys :)

Vincent Hill, John Fester & Hunter Reiley Fly Their T-28As in Formation
Jim Rohlf (far right) standing next to his Skyraider, Naked Fanny. Photo below of Jim flying the A-1 with wingman Jason Rohlf in the Spooky. Visit their website detailing their non-profit Aviation Heritage Foundation "preserving aviation history." https://www.warbirdsflyhere.com/

"Big Doug" Auxier passed away May 15, 2022
A gentle giant with a teddy bear heart, we will always remember his dramatic smoke and fire while taxiing at Sun n Fun in 2010 where he kept his cool and got a bad situation under control.
The T-28 community extends heartfelt condolences to his family. A flyby and missing man formation will be flown in his remembrance at Oshkosh this summer.

Will Platt photo of Doug Auxier and Jim Rohlf flying formation at Sheboygan WI 2015